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If you ever went crazy trying to figure out what those abbreviations on the message boards stood for, then here's a list for you.

AFK - Away from Keyboard

BF - Boy Friend
BIL - Brother-In-Law
BRB - Be Right Back
BTDT - Been There Done That
BTW - By The Way

DH - Dear Husband
DW - Dear Wife
DD - Dear Daughter
DS - Dear Son

DSD - Dear Step Daughter

DSS - Dear Step Son

EX - Ex Spouse

FOCL - Falling Off the Chair Laughing

FIL - Father-In-Law

FYI - For Your Information

GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike

IMO - In My Opinion
IMHO - In My Honest/Humble Opinion

ISP - Internet Service Provider

ITA - In Total Agreement

KWIM - Know what I mean

LOL - Laughing Out Loud

MIL - Mother-In-Law

NSETBX - Not Soon Enough To Be EX

OC - Other Child

OMG - Oh My God

ONS - One Night Stand

OT - Off Topic

OW/OM - Other Woman/Other Man

PS - Pond Scum (another name for EX or STBX)

POS - Piece Of.... Scum

PTB - Powers That Be

QDRO - Qualified Domestic Relations Order

ROFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A** Off

SAHD - Stay-At-Home Dad
SAHM - Stay-At-Home Mom

SD - Step-Daughter

SD - Sperm Dump (another name for the Other Woman)

SE - Spousal Equivalent

SIL - Sister-In-Law

SO - Significant Other
SS - Step-Son

STBX - Soon to be EX

TIA - Thanks In Advance

TOWANDA - The Empowered Woman's Rebel Yell
WAHD - Work At Home Dad
WAHM - Work At Home Mom

WTG - Way To Go

YGM - You've Got Mail

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Included in this site are references to many other resources that we feel offer helpful information.  Our goal is to provide alternative resources to access information quickly & efficiently... without running up huge attorney fees for research you can do yourself.  Please keep in mind that your best defense is to have your own attorney that is working for YOU, looking out to protect you & your best interests.  NEVER, NEVER sign or verbally agree to anything that your attorney has not had an opportunity to review with you.

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