Once upon a time.... ya da ya da ya.... I have a friend that would
call me "wild woman". I never thought of myself as wild, but he helped me realize a lot of things about myself
that I never took the time "for me" to see. I began to look at my assets AND realize that I needed and DESERVED
to be happy with my life, not always try to make everyone else happy, especially the "impossible to please". Eventually....
and I mean after several years, I began to realize that he was right.... I got myself out of a miserable situation, and with
a little nurturing, I found my wild side, and I'm gonna make every day a wild adventure from now on.
Now, for the "lucky4me" part. SHeDAISY has a song called "Lucky 4
You (Tonight I'm Just Me)". It's about a woman who's significant other says she has multiple personalities.... and it
drives him crazy! My EX could relate to him, because he never took the time to try to understand ME, and all of my fabulous
sides. I can say that!..... we ALL have fabulous sides... if you just look for them. So, the girl in the song goes to
a party where the guy is AFTER they've parted company. He sees her and is getting all panicky at the sight of her...
and ALL her personalities, and she says "lucky 4 you tonight I'm just me".
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A note for TJ ~ I can't even begin to let you know just how much your steadfast friendship has meant to me... I feel
so lucky that I had you, on all those days when I just wanted to crawl under a very BIG rock. Thank you for sheltering
my tears from the rest of the World when I just wasn't ready to face it. You have endless listening capabilities, &
I have a tremendous respect for you for the way you helped me see the light without EVER bashing anybody or telling me what
to do.... & also, for your willingness to compromise things in your life, looking out for me.... those
did not go unnoticed. I can't go without thanking you for being there with me... & for the conversations we've
shared. You validated me & my feelings when I doubted myself the most. Thanks for waking me up!... & making
me feel alive inside... for sparking my wildfire. "We've been friends for a long, long time," and there
will always be a special place "between your heart and mine." I know that we both will end up in places
in our lives that are fulfilling... "whose to say that we can't have a little happiness". We both deserve
that! Keep in touch!... & don't let that pool game get rusty!... What am I talking about?.... my game is rusty but
I bet I can still kick your butt at 9 ball ;-) ...if we play enough games.
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