You and I are in a relationship
that I value and want to keep. Yet each of us is a separate person with our own unique needs and the right to try to meet
those needs. I will try to be genuinely accepting of your behavior when you are trying to meet your needs or when you are
having problems meeting your needs.
When you share your problems,
I will try to listen acceptingly and understandingly in a way that will facilitate your finding your own solutions rather
than depending upon mine. When you have a problem because my behavior is interfering with your meeting your needs, I encourage
you to tell me openly and honestly how you are feeling. At those times, I will listen and then try to modify my behavior,
if I can.
However, when your behavior
interferes with my meeting my own needs, thus causing me to feel unaccepting of you, I will share my problem with you and
tell you as openly and honestly as I can exactly how I am feeling, trusting that you respect my needs enough to listen and
then try to modify your behavior. At those times when either of us cannot modify our behavior to meet the needs of the other
and find that we have a conflict-of-needs in our relationship, let us commit ourselves to resolve each such conflict without
ever resorting to the use of either my power or yours to win at the expense of the other losing. I respect your needs, but
I also must respect my own. Consequently, let us strive always to search for solutions to our inevitable conflicts that will
be acceptable to both of us. In this way, your needs will be met, but so will mine—no one will lose, both will win.
As a result, you can continue to develop as a person through meeting your needs, but so can I. Our relationship thus can always
be a healthy one because it will be mutually satisfying. Each of us can become what we are capable of being, and we can continue
to relate to each other with feelings of mutual respect and love, in friendship and in peace.
Thank you syndg (from iVillage Surviving Divorce) for sharing this with us.
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